Alumni Career Resources

GCU graduates can access a variety of career support resources through our alumni programming. Regardless of where you are in your career, the Office of Alumni Relations is committed to supporting you in your endeavors. Explore the career resources below to see how our team can support you on your journey.

Career Support

When conducting career research, start with some of these resources to explore your options:

If you have additional job search questions, please email the Office of Alumni Relations or view our Career Resource Guide for helpful tips and tricks.

We Love To Hire Alumni!

Build a purposeful career at GCU or GCE.
Search the job databases to see what’s available here at your alma mater.

Library Access for GCU Alumni

The Office of Alumni Relations is pleased to offer GCU alumni complimentary access to some of our library databases. Use your GCU username and password to log in and begin your research. Explore the extensive databases and take advantage of online educational resources at your fingertips.